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Selectmen's Minutes - August 21, 1990
August 21, 1990               William P. Dynan, Chairman
                             Mark A. Vess
                             Judith A. Murdoch
                             Pamela A. Fasci
                             Robert M. Crowley

Met with Sch. Bldg. Committee, Mr. O'Donnell requests joint article for Sp. Town Meeting in October for $16,000 for purchase of a stair lift which would make access from base level of Maquan Sch. to middle level.  Had set up another method which was accepted by SBAB, challenged by parent, and accessibility review Board gave variance.  They were looking for elevator.  $16,000 would meet standards.  This cannot be turned down by the Town, this would become a court order which would cost more.  Will be reimbursed.  Have Jan. 1 deadline to accomplish. Directed to work with Mr. Nugent to draft article.

Mr. Dynan noted that petition for override would have to contain up a 1000 signatures for bussing.  Mr. O'Donnell noted will have to bring override year after year, and people must prepare themselves.

Mr. Dynan noted that just received notification from State that will have to cut an additional $130,000 that was not anticipated.  

Mrs. Gomez, Town Accountant, met with Board.  She has a new Accounts Payable Schedule.  Her staff has been reduced to 0, be processing twice a month, will free up half her time for other duties.  Payroll would remain the same.  Depts. can notify their own vendors.  Mrs. Fasci moved to support the Town Accountant's revised warrant scheduling for FY91.  2nd Vess.  Voted 5-0.

Discussed "Cherry Sheets" for FY91.  Mrs. Gomez explained.  Difference is 227,885.  School aid down 89,372, over 2 mile reimbursement down 29,749.  Tuition of State Wards up for school.  Went over other cuts.  Free cash will be certified by the end of September.  Estimate is 100,000, would mean 125,000 cut.  Deal with in Oct. Town Meeting.

Mr. Nugent noted warrant will open beginning of Sept. and close end of September, first week in Oct.  Noted energy line already short 40,000.

Discussed Friday closing.  Layoffs were Ass't Library Director, Senior Clerk in Assessor's, Senior Clerk in Conservation, Ass't Town Accountant, Ass't Town Clerk, Senior Clerk in Water Dept., and Payroll Benefits Coordinator reduced to 14 hours.  Exec. Ass't in Selectmen's office of 35 hours, and maintenance cut in half to 5 hours.  Town Hall offices would run 8-5 Monday through Thursday, Town Hall closed on Friday, to the public on Wednesday to handle paper work.  No reduction in work hours.  Tuesday night full time people would work 3 hours.  Mr. Dynan would recommend with reduction of 75% of staff in Selectmen's Office, meet every other week for routine Town matters, and off weeks for contracts, work sessions, etc.   Mr. Vess recommended no outside lights, eliminate air conditioning in the building.  Mr. Dynan would not stress the employees any further.  Mr. Fasci noted Town Hall open 8:30 to 4:30 Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.  Mr. Nugent noted Treasurer/Collector open 9 to 4 presently, could then open 8:30 to 4:30.  Treasurer/Collector, Planner, himself, Assessor/Appraiser, Town Accountant, Conservation Agent would be working 8 to 5.  Clerk sets own hours.  Hours for clerical union are listed on outline from the Union Steward.  Moved by Fasci to schedule Selectmen's meetings for appt.'s every other week starting the fourth of September.  Town Hall will be open to the public 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  Three hours on Tuesday evening.  Closed to the public Wednesday, closed entirely on Friday.   Board voted 5-0.  Mrs. Fasci moved that Town Hall be closed on Fridays commencing on August 31, 1990.  Totally closed, no one working in the building.  2nd Murdoch.  Board voted 5-0.

Received request for State survey or roads concerning safety issues for students walking by Lillian Albert of Andrew Lane.  This is a request which must be submitted by the Town regarding lights and crosswalks to make roads safe.  School Committee has requested that School St. be made one way, and Mr. Nugent would request he be allowed to contact Highway and Police to determine which would be the safest direction for one way to travel.  Also ask permission to send letter to State to ask for safety survey.  Noted funds to paint street lines were  o'd.  Mr. Vess thought volunteers could do this themselves.  Mrs. Murdoch noted clear consensus at School Com. meeting with Police Chief, Highway Surveyor, under no circumstances could Town become involved in other issues related to transportation issues.  Painting crossing and if a mishap, would be in a prime position to be sued.  Mr. Dynan noted that it is the responsibility of the parent to transport the child to school.  Mrs. Murdoch moved to make School Street "one way" based on the recommendations as to direction from the Highway Surveyor and Police Chief.  2nd Fasci.  Voted 5-0.

Mr. Nugent noted will sit with Police and Fire Chiefs and their expenditures to date.  Will come back Sept. 4 with a recommendation and a report.  Two grievances received from Fire Dept. will be brought up Sept. 4, Mr. Nugent would like Town Negotiator present if their counsel present.  Mr. Dynan would like each grievance received numbered from now on.

Mr. Dynan read resignation from Nicholas Fornaro, Gas Inspector, due to illness.  Moved by Murdoch to accept, 2nd Vess.  Board voted 4-0.

Mrs. Murdoch moved to appoint Salvatore Sansone as Gas Inspector.  2nd Fasci.  Voted 5-0.

Received correspondence from Water Dept. that based on financial situation, cannot justify annual donation to Town of Hanson called rent.  Highway Surveyor has been in charge of "barn".  Balance sheets are based on offsets.  Mrs. Gomez noted Water Dept. allowed to keep surplus money in excess of expenditures.  Cost includes everything in budget process, reimbursement for services, and this will affect total appropriations for the Town and increase shortage by every dollar they take off.  Mr. Crowley would suggest if no understanding reached by Oct. 1, the Water Dept. door be padlocked.  Mr. Morway stated question is whether they are separate entity - it goes back and forth.  Their budget was cut.  200,000 short for 1991.Fin. Com. recommendation was altered on Town Meeting floor and they got 100,000 more.  Mrs. Fasci asked when this action was discussed at public meeting.  Answer week ago Wednesday.  Mr. Andrews said alternative was to sit with Board to see what status is.  Meeting will be held on September 11 with Water Dept. at 7:30 p.m.  Information will be exchanged previous to the meeting.  

Mr. Nugent read "In order for Water Dept. Com. to approve and sign vouchers to accommodate such transfers of monies, derived from Water receipts to your expense lines, it will be necessary for you to provide us with a detailed account of labor and money to perform water related duties." etc.  $15,000 is thought to be in this account.  This will be discussed in the Sept. meeting.

There were several other issues raised in letters which are in the current mail.  

Still waiting for report on 61A land area.  Town has right of first refusal, and Water Dept. could negotiate this sale.

Hanson Grange has requested one day Common Victualer license, September 8, 1990, 5 to 6:30 P.M..  Vess moved to approve.  2nd Crowley.  Voted 5-0.

One Day liquor license requested by Fire Dept. and Police Dept.. for their annual softball benefit game.  August 26 from 1 to 5 p.m. on Robinson St. upper field.  All proceeds to go to Hanson Youth Baseball.  Requested by James  Pearson.  Mrs. Fasci moved to allow, 2nd Murdoch.  Voted 5-0.

Received request from Council for Elder Affairs for Flea Market, Sept. 8 on Town Hall grounds.  Also request electricity turned on.  Mrs. Fasci moved, 2nd Murdoch.  Voted 5-0.

Town Clerk was present for signing of bonds.  Mr. Dynan read notice from Moody's investment service which assigned rating of A to 5.615.000 general obligation bonds.  Mr. Dynan commended Treasurer and Accountant for their work which is reflected in the increase in our rating from aa.  Mrs. Harris requested Board vote to bond, and the Chairman sign the copies.  Mrs. Fasci moved to accept the bonding, 2nd Murdoch.  Board voted 5-0.  Mr. Dynan signed.  

Mr. Vess stated Old Colony Railroad will be significant impact and will be here for ever.  He brought up again the Planning Board concerns which he find valid.  He asked Board send letter of support of Planning Board position to Sec. of Environmental Affairs.  Mr. Nugent noted Old Colony R.R. would like to meet with Board to address concerns.  Mr. Vess feels railroad not willing to address the issues.  Mrs. Fasci also spoke with railroad people who are more than willing to come to address the Board with their concerns.  She feels it would be better to address the concerns with a form to them to discuss at a meeting with the Board.  Mr. Vess noted clear that 14 and 27 only viable site, don't need further time wasted.   Mrs. Murdoch would agree with Planner, but would like to hear answers from railroad before she puts name to letter to endorse a site.  Mr. Crowley concurs.  Water Commissioners would like to be present for this meeting.  Sept. 18 at 9 o'clock will be set for date with railroad.  Planning Board to be notified.

Mr. Nugent referred to Water Dept. concern re lot 3 in the Industrial Park.  Lot has been on the market for some time.  Front of lot in wetlands.  They have requested Board not sell the property.   This is a three acre lot.  Have had offers which have not been fulfilled.  Board will look at lot and then make decision.

Mr. Vess reported that land exchange will take place between Plymouth County and              .  Meeting August 27, 1990 at 7:00 p.m.

Member of audience asked if petition could be presented next Tuesday night for bussing, how many signatures would the Board want.  Consensus of the Board is that overwhelming outcry, 1600 votes, has to be between 800 and 1000 signatures to warrant 3,000 dollars extended.  Mrs. Murdoch noted that had 400 signatures previously, and it was a waste of money.  Job doesn't stop at signatures.  Noted that election could not be held before school, cannot be at Primary election.  At least thirty days before election could be held.  

Question if Board has received grievance from Water Dept. Secretary.  Has not been received.

Mrs. Murdoch would ask Exec. Secretary if under Chap. 39, 6A of Mass. General Laws, Municipal Salaries, "No increase or reduction of such salaries shall take effect during the year in which such increase or reduction is voted."  She feels vote taken at Town Meeting to reduce salaries of elected officials is probably an illegal vote and would this jeopardize the Town Meeting.  

Noted upcoming meetings for various Selectmen.  

Questions raised about spraying that will  be done.  Notification will be given to the Towns.  

Noted that Handicapped Commission will be appointed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40